MiniTensor Dev Journal

Repository Link 2024-07-23 Added GoogleTest and fixed a bug in Error Handling: Bug Fix in Error Handling: There was in fact a small bug in the cudaCheckError macro I wrote. I was getting an error about “cannot use + for two pointers”, and error led me to the MatrixOperations class’s destructor. However, within the destructor, I did not use any + operator. The only places I used the addition operator are the matrix addition method and the error handling macro....

July 23, 2024 · 5 min · Jiayu Lin

Matlab to CUDA conversion

2024-03-07 Discrete Fourier Transform Upsamplings: I am currently working on a Matlab code from my research listed below: % Compute kernels and obtain DFT by matrix products kernc=exp((-i*2*pi/(nc*usfac))*( ifftshift([0:nc-1]).' - floor(nc/2) )*( [0:noc-1] - coff )); kernr=exp((-i*2*pi/(nr*usfac))*( [0:nor-1].' - roff )*( ifftshift([0:nr-1]) - floor(nr/2) )); out=kernr*in*kernc; What this code does is creating two kernels for the column and row transformations in Discrete Fourier Transform upsampling process on an image. But man, the conversion from Matlab to CUDA is hard....

March 7, 2024 · 2 min · Jiayu Lin

Dev Blog for Image Processing Projects

2024-01-06 Arc Remover Improvement: Happy New Year! I have made some huge progress on the arc remover algorithm thanks to my lab member’s help. The previous arc remover algorithm is not locating parabola on each image slices properly. With the newly modified removing algorithm, not only can it remove the arc, it also can remove other distracting artifacts above the arcs. The trick to achieve this is rather simple. The past algorithm performs the parabola formation based on a binarized picture....

January 11, 2024 · 7 min · Jiayu Lin